RealClassic Magazine Beanie Hat

(Approx $12.23 or €11.44)




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RealClassic Beanie hats are back!

Don’t shiver your timbers this winter: keep your head toasty warm with a new RealClassic wonderhat. Our super-stylish beanie hats are just the job for keeping your cranium comfy while you’re spannering in the shed.

Made from close-knit fibres to keep the heat inside and the chill winds away, the navy-blue hats feature the RealClassic logo stitched in snazzy silver on the front of the roll-up cuff. Hats come in a single size - plenty long enough to cover your ears and the nape of your neck. Just the job for bargain-hunting on frosty mornings at autumn autojumbles...

Hats are also washable at a planet-saving 30C, so they should provide stalwart service for years. We last offered something similar back in 2006, and many of those original beanies are still going strong!

Sizing: One size fits all! 

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