Classic Scooterist Magazine: The spirit of the sixties revisited. This is where the classic scooter community meets to share their stories.
Issue 112 December 2016/January 2017
4 Back when we had hair
Nostalgic memories from
times gone by
6 Scooterama
A felicitous fanfare of facts,
feedback and faces
14 Trials and tribulations
The Andora 500 – a new
place to test your Lambretta
15 Douglas period publicity
A quick glance at early
Vespa advertising material
16 “You’ve got mail”
Readers express their views,
ask questions and show us
their pictures
18 What’s going on?
A look at the scooterist calendar
20 Events round-up
Coverage of recent events
34 “Full speed ahead Mr Boatswain”
Dean Shaw’s psychedelic Lambretta
38 ‘Bella’ – ahead of her time
Rob Carter’s stunning Zundapp
43 Whatever happened to On Target?
Exclusive interview with
editor ‘Caspa’ – plus
unpublished material
52 Twintronic Lambretta
Tim Mason’s Targa Twin
56 No.12 off the production line
Darren Barber’s early Lambretta Vega
60 In a class of its own
The NSU Prima Five-Star
64 Lambretta B Model
An evocative concept
70 The BSSO Production Class appeal
The concept explained
76 Three chairs pt3
The saga continues…
78 Fuelling issues
The side effects of petrol-
related problems
80 Scooter clubs
Meet and greet your local club
82 Aberdeen CSC
A potted history
86 Scooterist classifieds
For all your wants and needs
90 Blast from the past
Two - stroke tuning
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