Classic Scooterist Magazine: The spirit of the sixties revisited. This is where the classic scooter community meets to share their stories.
4 Back when we had hair
Nostalgic memories from
times gone by
8 Scooterama
A felicitous fanfare of facts
feedback and faces
16 What’s going on?
A look at the scooterist
18 Events round-up
Coverage of recent events
22 ‘Golden Oldie’
Pete Sellers’ Lambretta
Golden Special
26 French Connection
The NSU LD Lambretta
28 Religion
Richard Rawlins’ Baldet
Vespa GS
34 Cathedral City
There’s nothing cheesy
about this Lambretta…
38 Viva Lambretta!
The Spanish Lambretta story
42 ‘Spooky Tooth’
Dennis Cliff’s Series 3
Lambretta Li
46 Back in the day
“Betta Getta Vespa”
48 The Vespa 400
Piaggio’s four-wheeled
scooter alternative
52 Sleeper
Phil Walker’s Series 3
rustoration project
56 Rotherham Lambretta Club
The Eric Duke connection
58 Innocenti’s missed opportunity
Steve Manning’s Series 2 TV200
62 The Lambretta ‘S’ type
A legend rediscovered
68 Triumph’s TS1
“The sleekest, smoothest
scooter ever”
72 Trials and tribulations
To Italy and back on a
Lambretta LD 125
74 BSSO 2017
Championship Circuit racing at its best
76 Scooter clubs
Meet and greet your
local club
78 Manchester Lyons
The UK’s oldest scooter club
86 Scooterist classifieds
For all your wants and needs
90 Blast from the past
London to Land’s End by scooter
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