Classic Scooterist Magazine: The spirit of the sixties revisited. This is where the classic scooter community meets to share their stories.
4 Back when we had hair
Nostalgic memories from
times gone by
8 Scooterama
A felicitous fanfare of facts,
feedback and faces
14 Mailbox
Readers’ submissions,
reviews and opinions
16 Isle of Wight 2017
Full event feature inside.
Were you there? Did we
take your picture?
30 California Dreaming
David Carmona’s American-
spec Vespa GS160 – fun
to build, but a long drawn-out project
34 Behind the Iron Curtain
Cezeta 501/502 – ‘the three pigs’
38 What’s going on?
A look at the scooterist calendar
39 Event round-up
A glance at events that have
taken place since last issue
50 The Lambretta Li Series 4
More mystical than Egyptian mummies
54 The Brockhouse Corgi
A lightweight runabout
56 The Vikings
Les Wraight’s memories of the
West Essex Lambretta Club
60 Lambretta Super Starstream
The sum of its parts
62 Mark’s Agrati Capri
All is not as it appears with
this rebuild…
66 EPV 954
An epic adventure on a Zundapp Bella
70 Project Dirt Quake pt2
Keeping on track
74 Trials and tribulations
London to Milan on a Vespa 90SS
76 Nice things come in small packages
An awfully pleasant Lambretta Lui
78 Custom Corner
Frenching your rear light
82 Scooter clubs
Meet and greet your local club
86 Scooterist classifieds
For all your wants and needs
90 Blast from the past
How far at 25mph?
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