Classic Scooterist Magazine: The spirit of the sixties revisited. This is where the classic scooter community meets to share their stories.
4 Back when we had hair
Nostalgic memories from times gone by
9 Mailbox
Readers have their say
10 Scooterama
A felicitous fanfare of facts, feedback and faces
15 What’s going on?
With so much going on, here's a quick look at what’s on the calendar
18 Event roundup
A quick glance at recent events
24 An artistic tribute
Lee De-valls Lambretta Series 1
28 Lambretta Model C Racer
Lee Abraham’s dream of a ride
32 Soul Shoutin’
A Mod called Joe and his Spanish Motovespa
36 Restoration or rustoration?
Ian Vanes-Jones finally makes a decision
42 Past inspiration
Mick Maidment’s Grimstead- inspired SS180
46 Back in the day
Trojan works gymkhana
48 Three of the best
Jason Hudson’s 200cc Lambretta collection
52 As good as new
A Lambretta ‘S’ Type built by an ‘S’ Type pioneer
56 A lifetime of Vespa Passion
The Peter Rose story
60 Lotus-themed TV200
Mark Saul’s original loft find
64 Arsenal-themed Lambretta TS1
Scooters and football – a never-ending story for Dean Lloyd
68 MB’s ‘S’ Type resurrection
All was not quite what it seemed…
72 Last of the line
Richard Gabb’s Vespa PX200
76 Snowy’s LD Riviera
Long neglected, but now back on the road again
79 Classic Vespa rear brake lever removal
An answer to the mysterious problem
80 Lambretta braking issues
How to replace the rear brake cable stop
82 Scooter clubs
Meet and greet your local club
86 Scooterist classifieds
For all your wants and needs
90 Blast from the past
Marlene wows the Italians!
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