March 2023


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Old Bike Mart

The autojumble in your armchair. Classic bike news, reviews and how to's, plus the most classic bikes and bits for sale in any publication.

The subscription-only newspaper with the UK’s largest selection of classic motorcycle classified ads.

In this issue of Old Bike Mart:

No matter where you go in the world, autojumbles and bike jumbles are a universal language, as Onno Wieringa finds out.

Draggin’ to the Dragon
It seems to be a modern trend now for films and books to have ‘prequels’, the story of what happened before the tory. With that in mind, our intrepid correspondent David Dixon gives a glimpse into the preparation for a special event…

Game changer!
In Readers’ Tales in OBM447, Dave Dixon reported on the building of two Bantams, which he hoped would take them to Portugal. So, did it happen? Oh, indeed it did!

Plus much more!
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